Centrimex informs you about the new safety standards for air freight,particularly with regard to securing drums and airtight containers over 25 liters. The publication of a new interministerial decree, issued by the DGAC and published in the Journal Officiel, has a direct impact on air shipment inspection and screening procedures.

The steps to get the recognition status // Obtain the DGAC authorization
1. New standard: drum safety
We are witnessing a reconsideration of the safety or filtering inspection of drums and hermetically sealed containers over 25 liters. As a result, only those exporters who have obtained the “known shipper” approval will be able to continue exporting.
This is why, during a transitional period ending in June (subject to modification by the DGAC), exporters must complete the survey sent by the DGAC. This will enable them to continue using the FRD and ODO filtering methods, while they wait for approval.
This transition period is divided into three phases:
– From January 1, 2024 to April 1, 2024: Mandatory registration for exporters wishing to ship hermetically sealed containers.
– From April 1, 2024 to October 1, 2024: Authorization maintained to secure drums over 25 liters, subject to DGAC approval.
– From October 1, 2024: Only exporters registered as “known shippers” will be able to ship large drums. Shipments from known non-loaders will be refused.
Please note: containers of less than 25 liters may continue to be inspected by X-ray, provided that the cargo does not emerge opaque, in which case the approval of a known shipper will also be required in the case of hermetically sealed containers.
2. What is Freight Inspection/Screening?
Air freight inspection and screening are crucial steps in ensuring the safety of your shipments. These procedures are designed to ensure that packages are suitable for air transport, while checking that they do not contain any prohibited items. Authorized methods include the use of X-ray controllers and dog handlers. These checks are therefore carried out by authorized forwarding agents or handling agents.
3. What does it mean to become a Known Loader?
Being recognized as a “known loader” has several advantages for exporters:
– Fewer checks at the airport, resulting in greater efficiency and time savings.
– Lower security costs thanks to already-secured freight shipments.
– Increased safety, as shipments are under constant human supervision, even during unloading.
Worth knowing: Being a known shipper means that our drivers are trained in cargo security and use lead-sealed trucks to ensure the continuity of the security chain from end to end. This represents an additional cost.
Trust Our Expertise
At Centrimex, our aviation team is perfectly equipped to help you through this transition period. We’re air freight experts. We are committed to providing our customers with sound advice and solutions tailored to their specific needs.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or to benefit from our air transport expertise: roissycdg@centrimex.com
To find out more, click here for our air freight guide: Guide to rates and shipping methods