An optimized management of your goods
Centrimex has 3 sites of warehouses in France allowing you to offer the best possible storage and optimized management of your goods.
With warehouses in Rouen, Marseille and 1 other in Paris*, we provide you with more than 22,000m² of floor space, to which are also added high storage on rack.
Located at the heart of international ports and airport supply chain, the warehouses of the Centrimex network are an effective and efficient complement to the transport services that we offer.

The Centrimex touch
▸ Tracking system (barcode reader)
▸ Temperature-controlled storage (food + pharma)
▸ Security for your goods and merchandise with alarms and 24-hour guarding as well as biometric access control and video surveillance on certain sites
▸ Pallet preparation areas – DGR (dangerous goods) areas – temperature-controlled areas – secure areas – customs-free areas.
▸ Trained and awareness-raising teams
Full Container Load (FCL)
or Less than a Container Load (LCL) ?
You don’t have the volumes ? We have your solution.
Group your goods with others and reduce your costs
Discover all of our services below and contact us to find your ideal solution :